Friday, January 9, 2009

My tongue is raw.

  I had a day off yesterday.
I didn't change out of my pj's until 4.  And the only reason I changed was that I had a consulting appointment.  Turns out people think I'm an expert on helping start-ups with marketing.  Who da thunk?

I spent most of the morning looking up anti-candida recipes.  Found a great blog  . She's got a bunch of recipes that look fantastic.  I'm excited to get started.

Last night we had the best dinner.  Steve found two nice pieces of ahi tuna in the freezer.  I made a herb & nut mixture to coat the top.  I didn't take any pictures because I forgot.  I did take a picture of the bean & red bell pepper saute.

Isn't that pretty?  I spiced it with a salt mixture that Steve was gifted last year at Burning Man.

Recipe for the tuna topping:
1.  Go out to the herb garden & see what's edible:  rosemary, thyme, lemon sage, 3 leaves of spearmint.
2.  In the small food processor put all the herbs along with 1 tsp whole pepper corns, 1/8 c almonds, 1 TBS olive oil, juice of 1/2 lemon, giant pinch of salt, notice that it's not very full so add some raw spinach to take up the slack.
3.  Blend until smooth-ish.  
4. Coat top of ahi.  About 1/2 inch worth.
5.  Bake until done.
6.  Eat & forget about taking picture.

My tongue feels raw and exposed.  

This anti-candida diet is working.  The thrush on my tongue is slowly disappearing.  It's leaving my tongue raw.  

This morning's drink of cranberry juice, apple cider & maple syrup was very tart on my tongue. I'm figuring this is a good thing.  

I'm looking forward to my tongue feeling healthy.

1 comment:

vegas_chic said...

Yay on getting results. I'm betting food will start to taste better, or stronger, as you go.

And thanks for the recipe!!