I'm here. In the same area that "Real Housewives of OC" is filmed. Well kind of in the same area.
I'm at my Mom's for the next 10 days or so. She had her surgery this morning & came home right after. Carpal tunnel and another type of tunnel thing in her elbow. After 30 years of doing pottery she's lost the feeling in complete hand.
Mom's an amazing woman. At 85 she's surprised her dr's by saying "Yes. Blood pressure medication is the only thing I take." I have an wonderful roll model in my Mom.
Now about the place she lives. It's a retirement village. The Village at Laguna Woods. Used to be called Leisure World. Yes. Leisure World.
It's an incorporated city with a population of 40,000+. All the business's cater in this area cater to the seniors.
Overheard conversation today while waiting to get Mom's pain pill prescription:
"I'm so constipated! I take 3 stool softeners every day." says the customer
"Do you strain?" Pharmacist.
"I have back pain."
P: "Do you strain?"
C: "I have some pain."
P: "When you try to go do you strain?"
C: "Go where? Why would I go anywhere with a strain?"
This went on for a while.
Most of Mom's friends are in their 80's. A couple are in their 90's. These women are truly truly amazing.
If you'll notice there's no pictures. Not due to lack of pictures but due to we're still on dial up until tomorrow. Tomorrow Mom's computer takes the big leap into DSL world! Yeah!
My food is so on that I felt guilty this morning after putting apple butter on my Mom's toast I absent mindedly licked my finger. Suddenly I tasted sweet & realized what I'd done. For the rest of the day I became very aware of what I was doing each time I made something.
New goal: Don't lick my fingers. Ever.
My jeans are very loose & I'm feeling "thin".
I had told Mom that I'd be cooking all the meals while I was here. "No problem." I did eat breakfast out yesterday morning but it was the same thing I have at home: brown rice, scrambled eggs with nutritional yeast.
Back in the 60's Mom was a disciple of Adele Davis. She made yoghurt, whole grain breads and we had an organic garden wayyyy before it became popular.
If you're in So Cal may I recommend Mother's Market? Love love love this store. Very healthy, very reasonable and the restaurant is fantastic.
One more thing.
Mom has a lemon tree & the lemon's are ready! I love being able to go out & pick fresh lemons.
Tonight's recipe: Mustard chicken
Chicken breasts
Top with
Mustard powder
Fresh lemon juice
Rub on & then roast 350 until done.
I served it with brown & wild rice, sauteed green beans & red bell peppers.
Video: Port Bruce - Time on My Hands
3 weeks ago
1 comment:
Give Sunday a big sloppy kiss from me! I would love to come see you, let me know if I can zoom down and spend the day. We can thrift store when she is better. Missin you! Steve must be going crazy! Teri
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