Where to start. Where to start.
I know. Crack van pt trois. (Subtitled: How I spent my day off. Abridged version.)
Time to register the van. Head down to our local DMV with smog check, proof of insurance and title. Easy peasy.
Maybe in everyone else's world but not in mine.
Turns out the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) on the title doesn't match the one on the van. So I have to have the VIN inspected by the DMV. Out to the inspector I go.
He writes down the correct one. Go back inside to same clerk.
She has to run the correct VIN to make sure it's a clean title. VIN doesn't show up in NV. "When I bough the van it had California plates." Oh.
Starts to run it in CA & the system shuts down in CA.
Tries 15 mins later. System in CA has crashed. No clue when it's going back up. I've already been at the DMV for about 2 hours.
Clerk & I decide that we're both going to take a lunch break. "See you in an hour."
Come back. System is still down.
Finally comes back up.
Turns out the title in Cal is "salvaged". In other words this van had been in an accident & then it was sold here in NV as clean. Now the fun part comes in.
I have to have the van inspected by a certified mechanic then bring it back & have it inspected by the DMV. It's missing the front driver's side turn signal housing.
I take it to my mechanic who signs everything off. I lie to him & tell him I have the housing at home. I kind of lie. I think that we actually have the part. I know we have some sort of light part at home.
Back to DMV. He won't let me pass without the light.
This whole process took close to 4 hours.
Steve's plan: Crack van is a 99 Mercury Villager. We also own a 97 Mercury Villager. He'll remove the 97's light housing, I'll take it with me back to DMV, get the van to pass & then reinstall it on the 97.
Um. No. 98 was the last year Nissan made the Mercury Villager. 99 is when Ford started making them. Guess what design they changed. Yup. The whole headlight panel including the turning signal housing.
We've been online, Steve's been out to our local Pick your part place. Nothing. nada.
I want this van OUT OF MY LIFE! But it can't go until we get a clean title. fuck.
I'll be back at the DMV tomorrow to get an extension on the 10 temp registration.
Hotel Hallway
Harvey's Lake Tahoe.
Red Hat Lady
Red Hat Ladies in my booth
NOT buying tie-dye.
Steve & I had decided that we would try new things this year. The local Red Hat group had ordered tie-dye from us for the Northern Nevada Red Hat Convention.
"You should sell at the convention!" says Rhonda. "We love your tie-dye! You'll make a killing!"
Liar liar pants on fire.
Did you know that you can only wear a red hat if you're over 50? If you're under 50 you're a "Pink Hatter".
Vernice, the organizer for the convention, shops in our store. "Oh yes! You must come!"
I could only bring clothes that were purple, red, pink & lavender. Oh and no kids stuff. Adults only.
I had to get a room because the place I rent for the summer isn't available for me until Memorial day weekend. Let's add that expense.
Attendance was down. Wayyyy down. Last year: 500+ . This year: 280.
More booths this year: 14 vs 7 last year.
All that added up to 2 days of Red Hat hell.
If anyone ever asks you to vend at a Red Hat convention thank them kindly but then RUN. RUN. RUN!!
I've started to incorporate food that's been off my anti-candida diet.
Started off with strawberries. I've been having about a cup a day with goat yoghurt. So sweet! So satisfying. Yum!
Friday night I splurged and went to the buffet at the top of Harrah's. If you're ever in Tahoe and you want a buffet go spend the money. It's the best buffet at the lake & the view is amazing.
I had a couple of things: sushi, mashed potatoes that were totally off plan. And I paid for it during the night.
I think my emotions from the lack of sales didn't help my digestive tract during the night, either.
There were people around me eating rich, creamy desserts and those looked disgusting to me. Funny how 5 months ago I would have been passing on most of the entre's and going just for the desserts and now I have no taste for them. Boy I hope that feeling stays with me for the rest of my life!
I'm in the store today cleaning up & out. Tie-dye employees come back tomorrow (yeah!) and they'll need a work space.
They better notice my weight loss (chuckle).
The customers at the store where I work always complain "YOU DON'T SELL ENOUGH RED HAT SOCIETY STUFF BLAH BLAH". Then when we order that tacky crap, guess what never sells!
The van sounds e villleee like the fruits of the devillll.
That hallway makes me want to watch The Shining something fierce.
Man, I can't deal with stuff like that. If that van was mine, I probably would have already driven both of us off of a cliff.
I still don't understand the whole red hat business. I see stuff about it pretty often, but I never cared enough to go look it up. Eh...still don't. I don't look good in hats anyway.
Man, I had to google the red hat society. It sounds mad.
That van sounds like a major headache. I'm not envious. Good luck!
jeje...sorry to laugh at your DMV experience. But you know, it's only funny if it's somebody else. I hate DMV experiences.
And girl, the Red Hat Society? Oh no no no no! They are clueless. They always steer clear of my table. I think it's because I don't have any Made In China stickers on the back of my art. I see them swarm in huge flocks around tables that sell the fake Edwardian/Victorian resin crap. Red Hat Society. Ick.
And thanks for visiting my blog! I've enjoyed reading about your adventures. Tie dye actually does quite well around this area although the newcomer retirees have started to saturate that market. If you ever wanna do a trade, I'm always up for it. I'm slowly starting to list some stuff in my etsy store (regalosdelsol) so if you see something you like, hit me up. Let's trade! And it's so nice to "meet" you!
Again your life makes me smile. The van thing is HILARIOUS! that's only because I am not going thru it. I would call a radio/news station and make that van a STAR! Get your $$ worth.
Never heard of red hat thing...lots of old ladies??
They'll notice!!
I googled Red Hat Society. ODD....quite ODD!!!
I dont envy you your DMV trials and tribulations either. Here in NY, no matter WHAT you need to get done at DMV, 99.9% of the time, the clerks are pissed off, pre-emptively RUDE and totally dimwitted!!!
That van sure is a curse, hope it all gets sorted out soon!
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